Thursday, January 15, 2015

Flea Market Yarn & a Granny Square Afghan

   There is an endless number and variety of items you can find at a flea market. One of my favorite finds, one that I can never find enough of, is YARN! Usually the yarn I find around flea markets averages about 50 cents a skein. But every now and then I hit the jackpot and get a huge bag for just a few dollars!

Awhile back I did just that. I found a huge bag of yarn for only 2 dollars! I made several afghans for gifts out of that bag, along with several little projects. I especially enjoyed making my Granny Square Afghans and Lapghans out of it.

For you crocheters, the little afghans pictured are simply a Granny Square that you just keep making bigger and bigger. I used acrylic, worsted weight yarn and either an H hook or an I hook, which ever gives you the result you are looking for.

I laid out my colors in advance, so they would kind of blend into each other, or coordinate with each other. I did 3 rounds of each color with the H hook (2 rounds for the first color), and 2 rounds of each color with the I hook.

To finish, I single crocheted around with whatever color I had enough left of. I like to use the same color I started with when I can, or finish with the same color as the last round.

These are so fun to make, and fast, too! So now, I am once again on the hunt for another great yarn find at a flea market! I really need some more yarn! 


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