Friday, January 23, 2015

Facebook Group to Match

As some of you know, this blog started out as a blog that posted about one of our local Flea Markets. Recently, that Flea Market decided that they no longer wanted to use this blog nor my services. Instead of deleting this blog, I changed it up a bit, including the name, and decided to really have some fun with it!

Right after that, amazingly enough, Facebook asked me to admin a Flea Market group that had sat idle for nearly 5 months without an admin. I jumped on the opportunity because I thought it would really enhance this blog, and this blog could enhance that group. I also changed that group name to the same as this blog, Flea Market Fun.

It got off to kind of a rough start. With no admin for nearly 5 months, it kind of went wild and was getting used for all kinds of posting. Then in comes me, new kid on the block, in authority position, cleaning up the place, and several people got mad and left. I guess that was to be expected, but I always hate seeing people leave, even if it is just a few. But it is running smoothly, now, many people have joined us, and we are having so much fun!

I would LOVE to simply post the link over to that group right here, but, unfortunately, just before the last admin left, she changed the settings of the group to "private" and I am not able to change that one setting back. What this means is, no one can see the group unless they are IN the group. Bummer!!!! It does not come up in the Facebook searches. There are a couple of ways around this, though, if you would like to join us.

First, if you have a friend already in that group, you can simply have them add you to the group. You have to be on a member's friends' list before they can add you to the group. Second, you can 'friend request' me and send me a message on on my page to let me know that you are doing so so that I can add you to the group. This is all kind of a round about way, but it does work and at least it keeps out all the scammers and spammers. The Flea Market Fun group is over 2000 members strong and we are having lots of fun playing "show & tell" with our Flea Market, thrift store, and dumpster diving finds, along with sharing ideas of how we can repurpose so much of that stuff.
Here is my Facebook page link: 

We are having lots of fun in our Flea Market Fun facebook group, and we would love for you to join us. But please, be sure and keep coming back here, too!

                                                    Happy Flea Marketing!!!

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