Friday, March 1, 2013

Set-Ups to Sell

For those that want to set up to sell at the Okay Flea Market, there are many options available. Of course, those that are renting a building have the option of simply opening up their building, setting their sale items out in front of their building, or setting up somewhere out on the grounds. There is no additional charge for their set-up above the rental fee of their building.

For the person that likes to set up only occasionally, have an annual garage sale, or set up every weekend and simply doesn't want to rent a building, you, too, have several options to set up. You also have a choice of reserving your 'space' in advance, or taking your chances when you arrive that your favorite spot will be available.

If you like to set up in the wide open and bright sunshine, there is plenty of space for that right out in the very middle of the flea market. The grass is kept neatly mowed and you have plenty of space to spread out.

If you prefer to set up under a shade tree, although there is a limited number of them, there are still several great shade trees to set up under. A popular favorite is the Big Oak Tree right at the entrance. It is easily seen from the highway, it's the first vendor customers see as they drive in, and in warm weather, it has a wonderful breeze flowing through the area making it the coolest spot on the place. But if this is your favorite spot to set up to sell, you would be wise to reserve it in advance, as it is usually the first spot to be taken as the weekend approaches. It is even already reserved for one of the weekends in May!

Another excellent place to set up is under the Arbors (as seen in the picture above). The Arbors themselves provide great shade, while the many trees surrounding them lend further shade and coolness in the warmer weather. It is also great protection to your sale items in case an unexpected rain comes up and aids in a wind break on windy spring days. The best part about setting up under the Arbors is that if you are one of the first ones to set up, you can have access to the electric outlet, if you need it. You are welcome to reserve your space here, as well.

Whatever type of outdoor atmosphere you like to set up under, you will probably find it here at Okay Flea Market. Plus, the prices/fees are exceptionally low and the other vendors are very warm, friendly, and easy to work with.

Besides setting up as a regular Flea Market vendor, Okay Flea Market is also a great place to host your garage sale. You have lots of room to spread your things out, it's in a high traffic area with established customers, set-up (which includes a mention of you in the weekly advertising if you let us know in advance) is far less expensive than advertising in the newspaper, and best of all, you don't have strangers coming to your house pilfering about. So come on out and check us out. We would love to meet you!

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