Yes! This was my Flea Market find from last weekend! Well, there was a lot more, but this was what I came home with and took pics of. The rest was a bunch of great clothes that someone gave me and they are in my storage, ready to sort and hang. I can hardly wait to go through them!
I got really excited about the stuffed animal and toy clearance I came upon. It was all you could stuff into a kitchen garbage bag for a super small price. I know I can really stuff a bag, but I still can't believe I got all of that in that kitchen bag!
The baby bathtub was pretty dirty, but it won't matter for what I will be using it for. It was only a buck and had a drain in the bottom! It will either end up being a litter box, or a mini salad garden. I think I am going to go with planting a mini salad garden in it first.
The shirt on the far left was in a trash stack at another vendor's, so it cost nothing. It was a sweatshirt that someone had made into a jacket. The stitching was coming loose in a spot on the facing inside, but will be easy to put back in only a minute or two. It also had a slight fade spot where it had been folded. but you can hardly tell. It is a little small for me, so I will probably give it to one of my gardening friends/relative to use out in the yard when they want a jacket but don't want to have to worry about messing it up.
The one in the middle was my size *smile*. It is a sweater set... tank top and over sweater. It, too, was in that trash pile. So, what was wrong with it? Someone had dripped their drink or something in about a 1-inch diameter spot! Looks like it will be easy to wash out. Oh, the things people throw away for the silliest reasons! Just makes you want to smack some sense into them.
The brown shirt on the far right is corduroy. It is my size, too! It is the Looney Tunes brand with Tweety on the pocket and looks brand new. I don't think it has even ever been worn! Actually, it is one size too big, which is what I had been looking for for an overshirt. Can you believe it was only a buck, too!
That white thing to the right of the brown shirt is a single, fitted flannel sheet. It had definitely been well used, but didn't have any holes in it. It was all worn in and soft, which is perfect for what I am going to make with it . . . reusable tissues! I will show them to you when I get them finished. I almost have them done.
As for all of those stuffed critters and toys, there are a couple I may keep, a few I will put aside for gifts through the year, a few of the slightly damaged ones will be dog toys, and the rest, I will be posting here and there online to sell.
Whew! Going to be a lot of work, but it will be so much fun! Have you found anything new and exciting lately, during your flea marketing adventures? Or do you have any ideas what you think I should do with some of these items? If so, let me know in the comments.
Happy Flea Marketing!!!
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