Friday, November 14, 2014

A Frosty Weekend!

Brrrrrr . . . . . It is a cold one this weekend!!! No, it hasn't snowed or iced, yet, but it is spitting a little snow out there as I type. Looks like there is a small chance of the frosty white stuff Saturday, and a big chance on Sunday with VERY cold temps.

We always advertise that we are open All Year 'Round, and we are. All of our vendors are welcome to set up any weekend they want, ALL year long, and all of you, our truly valued customers, are eagerly welcomed to come on out and shop with us, ALL year long.  .  . .

BUT . . . . . .

Our Vendors DO NOT HAVE to set up. We certainly don't want anyone getting sick by setting up in inclement weather. It just isn't a wise thing to do. Although everyone is welcomed to set up, it is doubtful that any of our vendors will be setting up this weekend. We can't speak for each, individual vendor and say that no one will set up this weekend, but the chances are that no one will be. If there is snow/ice on the roads, we strongly discourage anyone from getting out unless it is an absolute must.

So, if you were planning on coming out and shopping this weekend at the Okay Flea Market and are unsure if anyone will be set up, feel free to call ahead and check to see if anyone has set up. And remember, you can pre-shop many of our vendors in our Facebook Group. There, you can browse around pics of many of the vendors' items and ask them questions in the comments. So you see, you can still Flea Market shop this weekend, even if you have to stay home where it is warm!

We hope next weekend is beautiful and, contrary to what it feels like outside right now, it is still Fall and our Fall Clearance Sales will continue, with prices that will drop your jaw! Have a safe and warm weekend and ...


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