Friday, November 28, 2014

Shop Us for Small Business Saturday!

 Don't forget to add us, out here at Okay Flea Market, to your Small Business Saturday shopping list!

Many of our vendors have the cutest little Mini Stores set up out here! They contain the most wonderful new, barely used, vintage and antique items! .  .  .  .  .  .  .  all of which would make perfect gifts for that hard to shop for person, at unbelievably low prices!

Where better to find that perfect gift for that person that has everything, than right here?! If you are looking for unique, acceptable, and nice but a great bargain gift ideas, then THIS  is the place to be shopping on Small Business Saturday!

YES, we ARE open this weekend! And the selection and bargains will amaze you! So once again, be sure and add us, Okay Flea Market, to your Small Business Saturday shopping list. You will be ever so glad you did!!!


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

YES! We are open Thanksgiving Weekend!

Yes! We WILL be open this Thanksgiving Weekend!

Friday, the weather does look reasonably good, so far, but we can't guarantee that any of our vendors will be set up. Many of them have family in from out-of-town and will be spending a little more time with them. Some will be out-of-town visiting friends and family for the Holiday. Others will just plain be kicked back and resting from the excitement and over eating of Thanksgiving day. And then there are those that will actually be out fighting the crowds of the Black Friday shopping. So, although we can't say for sure that no vendors will be set up Friday, there may not be. Feel free to call ahead to see if anyone has set up Friday. But remember, it just takes one vendor with that perfect-for-you item to make it worth your trip!

SATURDAY; however, is looking very good at the moment!! According to the weather prediction at the time of this writing, it looks to be a fantastic day weather wise! And by Saturday, many of our vendors will probably be more than ready to get back out here and set up. And the bargains will probably be even better than the ones at the Big Stores!  So you will want to be sure and add us to your shopping list this weekend! Yes, we will be open Sunday, too!

From all of us at Okay Flea Market . .  .  .  . . . . . . .

Have a wonderful, fun, safe and blessed HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Inclement Weekend Weather Pattern

  It seems we have taken on a distinct pattern of inclement weather weekends. Last weekend was extremely cold and snowy. This weekend looks to be a very comfortable light jacket temp weekend, but rain looms in the forecast. At this time, Saturday looks to be nearly a 100% chance of rain, and even possible storms.

Yes, we are officially open every weekend of the year, but with this being a dominantly outdoor business, most of our vendors will not set up in the rain, as I am sure most of you customers won't want to come and walk around in the rain to shop.

Although there is a huge chance of rain this weekend, there IS still a slight chance that it won't rain . We have seen chances this high before, yet the weekend turn out warm and beautiful with full set-ups. Only Mother Nature truly knows what she is going to do. So don't give up if your heart was set on flea marketing this weekend. And once again, you are always welcome to call ahead to find out if any of our vendors have set up and are open. You can find our contact info in the Contact tab above.

And remember, weather we are open or not,  you can always browse through photos of many of our items that are available in our Facebook Group. There you can also ask our vendors questions about their items or anything else you may want to ask them.

When the weather beautifies itself back up, the Fall Clearance sales many of our vendors are having will continue. Actually, to make up for lost sales, many of our vendors will have additional great sales. So you will want to be sure and come on out and not miss them. We will be overflowing with great bargains! Have a safe weekend and . . . . . . .


Friday, November 14, 2014

A Frosty Weekend!

Brrrrrr . . . . . It is a cold one this weekend!!! No, it hasn't snowed or iced, yet, but it is spitting a little snow out there as I type. Looks like there is a small chance of the frosty white stuff Saturday, and a big chance on Sunday with VERY cold temps.

We always advertise that we are open All Year 'Round, and we are. All of our vendors are welcome to set up any weekend they want, ALL year long, and all of you, our truly valued customers, are eagerly welcomed to come on out and shop with us, ALL year long.  .  . .

BUT . . . . . .

Our Vendors DO NOT HAVE to set up. We certainly don't want anyone getting sick by setting up in inclement weather. It just isn't a wise thing to do. Although everyone is welcomed to set up, it is doubtful that any of our vendors will be setting up this weekend. We can't speak for each, individual vendor and say that no one will set up this weekend, but the chances are that no one will be. If there is snow/ice on the roads, we strongly discourage anyone from getting out unless it is an absolute must.

So, if you were planning on coming out and shopping this weekend at the Okay Flea Market and are unsure if anyone will be set up, feel free to call ahead and check to see if anyone has set up. And remember, you can pre-shop many of our vendors in our Facebook Group. There, you can browse around pics of many of the vendors' items and ask them questions in the comments. So you see, you can still Flea Market shop this weekend, even if you have to stay home where it is warm!

We hope next weekend is beautiful and, contrary to what it feels like outside right now, it is still Fall and our Fall Clearance Sales will continue, with prices that will drop your jaw! Have a safe and warm weekend and ...


Friday, November 7, 2014

Great Gift Shopping!

Starting your Christmas shopping early? You can find a wide variety of fantastic gift ideas right here at Okay Flea Market! Shop around and you can find something for nearly everyone on your gift list!

Many items are brand new, in their original packages. Other great gift ideas are vintage items and antique items. Okay Flea Market is a great place to find that unique gift item for that hard to buy for person on your list.

While you are here, check out our Fall, Thanksgiving, and Christmas decorating items. The selection is wonderful, and the super low prices are even better!

Yes, it is getting pretty chilly outside, but we are open all year long. Many vendors are open a little later on these frigid mornings, but we are open. And for those of you that want to set up, come on out! We would love to have you with us!
Feel free to call in advance if the weather is such that you think we might not be open, and/or to see if your favorite vendor is here. Have a spectacular weekend and . . . . . .